And we also drew a phase diagram to show how this vapor pressure lowering was going to imply freezing point depression and boiling point depression. 我们来画相图,蒸汽压下降,意味着凝固点降低,和沸点降低。
When a little non-volatile solute dissolves in azeotrope, any kind of solute always causes elevation of boiling point or depression of vapor pressure no matter how the vapor composition changes. 在恒沸混合物中无论不挥发溶质使气相组成发生何种变化都会引起溶液蒸气压降低或沸点升高。
The experimental results indicate the prerequisite of boiling point depression for multicomponent liquid mixture is that some more volatile components must be salted out or some less volatile components must be salted in. 实验结果表明盐引起液体混合物沸点下降的必要条件是混合物中必有易挥发组分被盐析或难挥发组分被盐溶的现象发生。